Welcome to the Urania Trust

The Urania Trust was founded as an educational charity on the 9th November 1970 to further the advancement of education regarding the relationship between man's knowledge and beliefs about the heavens and every aspect of art science, philosophy and religion. Our founding trustees were highly esteemed astrologers: James Russell, Ada Phillips, Charles Harvey, John Addey and Tom Fripp.    Read more about The Urania Trust...

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Astrology as Divination

The modern argument for astrology-as-divination has been around for some years, but its ramifications are not widely appreciated. This article outlines in a few steps this reinterpretation of a significant part of our astrology, while throwing into relief some of its more radical suggestions.

Astrologer Predicted Global Pandemic

French Astrologer Andre Barbault reports pandemics occur when outer planets from Jupiter to Pluto orbit in close proximity.

Charles Jayne (1911-1985)

Charles A. Jayne Jr. used to say that that one needed to study astronomy in order to truly understand astrology. He believed that astronomy was the physical side of the spiritual. Charles felt that the physical universe is but the shadow of God.